Help to Buy Valuation
It may be that you are looking to sell the property which you purchased using the Help to Buy scheme or you may be looking to remortgage or repay some or all of the loan.
In order to do this you are required to obtain a valuation report from an RICS surveyor for Homes England. can provide these Help to Buy Valuation reports ensuring full compliance with the requirements of the scheme and at a price you can afford.
Using the latest cutting edge tablet technology, our valuation reports are delivered within 24 hours following the inspection at no extra cost to make sure you have no problems in completing the required transaction within the three months valid period for which the valuation will be considered appropriate.
If for any reason the transaction process takes longer than 3 months, we do NOT charge for the first extension of your valuation.
We are a company that prides ourselves on delivering exceptional service whilst maintaining affordability for our clients.
Did you know, you can no longer apply for the Help to Buy scheme. New applications ended 6pm on 31st October 2022. Additionally, to benefit from the scheme, your transaction process would have needed to be completed (meaning you legally own it and can move in) by Friday 31st March 2023.
The government website has helpful information regarding the scheme.
For more information you can follow this link:
For information regarding paying back your Help to Buy loan you can follow this link: